Saturday, July 21, 2012

Wearing A Way

I wonder, I wander away. A way away. Away we shall venture. Venture and wander away. But...where? Wearing away. Where has all gone? But...I only wondered. I wondered my life away. A way not to have been taken. Take it away. Take and take. Take me back. Back to the way.

Sunday, July 15, 2012

I'll Paint For You This Red

Give me a pencil and I'll draw you the world.
With a pen, I'll change it.
Provide for me crayons and I'll color it happy.
With red, I'll draw the Lamb's blood.
With this red the world shall be painted.

Saturday, July 7, 2012

Shakespeare's Enigma

With 2 teaspoons full of wishful thinking my words echo yellow and this gravity green tells of the Raven one summer's eve